Top 10 Podcasts for Cancer Survivors
Our list of top 10 podcasts to help heal the mind, body, and spirit. Warning! You may not be able to take your headphones off. One of the best and…
The purpose of life is to give it away - Pablo Picasso
Our list of top 10 podcasts to help heal the mind, body, and spirit. Warning! You may not be able to take your headphones off. One of the best and…
“When my doctor was giving me the diagnosis he also told me a story of a patient he had with the same type of cancer and that this person was…
“…I live life to the fullest as I know that anything can creep up on you. I try to live in the now.” Name: Georgia Sage Age: 22 City: Cornwall,…
“…share your struggles and share your triumphs. You will inspire more people than you know and in return they will give you all the support they can.” Name: Clea Sackville…
“I tried to dance everyday because it made me feel good and I enjoyed it. It was important to me to do whatever I needed to do to feel good.”…
“Accept what you went through. Be grateful for every experience, every feeling, every pain because at first you were TOUGH, now you are STRONG!” Name: Tony Di Giovanni Age: 45…
Every day we are challenged. It’s on the rarest of occasions we come face-to-face with a test so arduous and so grueling we have no choice but to fetch the…
As we move past our fight against caner we need to learn to embrace life for what it is. To be confident in who you are and who you want…
We are stronger as one, as a single unit, as a tribe! But stronger for what purpose? The people we surround ourselves with are a direct reflection of ourselves. Are…